Last year, I paddled clockwise around the northern end of Newfound Lake, and it was an enjoyable paddle. This time, I did a little more research and planning where I wanted to go before we went over. This time I paddled counterclockwise / south from Aunt L & Uncle D's house down past the Audubon Society's Paradise Point nature preserve past the Hebron Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary and up into the Cockermouth River.
Possibly the best afternoon I've spent kayaking. Peaceful. Beautiful. Calm. Lots of birds and flowers to admire. Not a single mosquito. I will share a few pictures with you here, but the pictures don't do justice to how relaxing and uplifting this afternoon paddle was.
Getting underway from AL & UD's house.
Awesome water temp.
Heading south along Paradise Point.
If you look closely in the distance, you can see my family out on the boat with Uncle D. I kept hoping they would drive over closer to me so I could get a better picture, but they were too busy and didn't notice me waving at them.
Paddling into the Hebron Marsh area and the entrance to the Cockermouth River.
Yellow Pond Lily
Cockermouth River
I spotted one majestic Great Blue Heron.
I saw several painted turtles.
Flowers along the river bank.
I took a lot of pictures of painted turtles and flowers and more scenes like those above with glassy calm waters and perfect reflections of the trees and flowers above and below the waterline.
- Date: 19 August 2010
- Time In: 3:30 p.m.
- Time Out: 5:30 p.m.
- Elapsed: 2 hours
- Moving Time (GPS): 1 hrs 32 minutes
- Stopped Time (GPS): 28 minutes
- Mileage: 4.2 miles by GPS
- Sea State: 0
- Winds: 3-8 mph NNW (from Intelicast) - very light
- Air Temp: 78F (from Intelicast)
- Water Temp: 76F digital
- Current: None.
- Gauge Height: Lake level is about a foot or two below normal. In the Cockermouth River, the water was typically only 1 or 2 feet deep.
- Avg Speed (GPS): 2.7 mph
- Max Speed by (GPS): 4.8 mph
- Rapids? None.
- Hazards? Some strainers, but no current to make them a hazard.
- Kit: Ocean Kayak Malibu Two XL. Flop hat, NRS paddling gloves, short sleeve shirt, swim trunks, Keen sandals.
- Configuration: Both boys went out on the ski boat with Uncle D, so I paddled solo sitting in the middle seat.
- Route: Put-in from Aunt L & Uncle D's house at northern end of Newfound Lake and paddled south and then west around Paradise Point and into the Cockermouth River. Paddled up the river until I ran aground on a sand-bar, then turned around and paddled back out again.
- Other comments (such as wildlife spotted): Painted turtles, Great Blue Heron, evidence of beavers, other birds that wouldn't stay still long enough for me to photograph or identify them.
1 comment:
This is what life is all about.
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