For Sunday brunch, we went to Haleiwa Joe's in Kaneohe. It was a great breakfast buffet overlooking the Haiku botanical gardens. Here's what the view was like from our table...
Then we went to Hilo Hattie's. OMG! This was my first time to HH. It's like the Hawaiian Shirt Shopping Mecca. Plus, they've got quite the operation going with the cultured pearls there. The lured us in with their typical pitch making us think we'd "won" a chance to pick out an oyster and see if it had a pearl in it. Of course it had a pearl in it, then they lured us into buying the settings for it. But hey, I got my wife's anniversary present taken care of, so it was all good (although our checking account balance is substantially lower now).
Thanks to good ole Chris Columbus discovering America, we got to enjoy our Monday morning over at Ko Olina in Lagoon #4 (the southern most one). We had perfect timing and arrived just as somebody was leaving, so we got a parking spot there (Lagoon #4 is desirable because they have bathrooms there). The beach there is perfect for little kids - very gradual slope and no waves. Our younger son (YS) was jumping in and splashing and swimming and having a ball. Our eldest son (ES) wanted to go snorkeling, so I took him out to the edge of the lagoon and swam amongst dozens of brightly colored tropical fish.
Blunoz & ES watching the fishies.
We were having a nice enjoyable time mostly looking down at the fish in the rocks. Then I looked up in front of us to find myself staring face to face with a baracuda. This is similar to what I think I saw (image from Wikipedia)...
I wasn't exactly sure if I should be worried or not, but I didn't want to wait and find out (especially with a six-year old in-tow), so I said to myself, "self... SWIM AWAAAAAY!" and we swam back to shore. Now, here in the comfort of my la-z-boy, I read up on them and understand they aren't that dangerous, but I won't intentionally go close to them just in case (especially if wearing shiny objects that might be mistaken for small fish... like my watch... or my wedding ring...).
ES and I walked down to the southern end of the beach to find a geocache while we were there, too.
(1) ES with GPS. (2) ES found it! (3) ES with the cache and a travel bug.
Yeah well... I did laundry this weekend.
Oh my gosh your kids are just too cute!!! And I'm with Cris...I did very little this weekend. Ya'll are impressive! I love Hilo Hattie's! Cool place!
Looks like Haliewa Joe's is at the location of the old Chart House. We used to go there all the time when I lived in Kaneohe. One of my JO's got married there and it was #2 on my list of spots to propose. But I went with #1: an active volcano
Vince and I SCUBA dived (dove?) with baracuda's on almost every dive when we were on Little Caymen. They liked to hover under the boat. They never bothered us.
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