Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wii Warning Revisited

Man, I feel bad for E and K after reading their tv casrep over at OCA. My wallet hurts just thinking about it.

For anyone who has recently started reading my blog and/or recently acquired a Wii, I'll repost this:

Sony TV Repair

So, our new Sony TV all of a sudden got these two vertical lines permanently appearing on the screen, regardless of the video input source. I called Sony and they agreed it needed to be fixed under warranty. We had to wait about a week for the "part" to arrive on island, then a repair guy came out. The "part" was a whole new screen, but it works like a champ.

Funny story though, he said most of his work these days comes from Wii damage. He said he recently had to replace FIVE screens in ONE week from throwing Wii controllers into the TV screen! Can you believe it?!?

This warning message goes on the screen for several seconds before you can start a game.

However (comma) I know how good my children are aren't about following instructions.

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