Wednesday, June 25, 2008

That's a first

I can't say that I've ever been to a dog's birthday party before. Last night we celebrated our neighbor's dog's birthday. Actually, our neighbor B promised to make me her awesome chicken enchiladas in appreciation for me replacing the battery in her van while her husband is TAD to a school on the mainland. It just so happens that yesterday was Copper's first birthday, and the kids wanted to throw a party for the dog. I'm not sure which the kids enjoyed more - eating the birthday cupcakes, or feeding the birthday cupcakes to the dog.

The guest of honor.

B Serves Up the Enchiladas

LW Made Pomegranate Martinis

Here Daddy, you can have the rest.
(The frosting is the best part, isn't it?)

Tonight, LW went out to dinner with a friend, so the boys and I had pizza and watched Spies Like Us. Man I love that movie! It always makes me laugh so hard I end up with tears streaming down my face. The boys really enjoyed it, too. I had to pause the movie a few times to explain things to ES, and we got into a lengthy discussion about what the Cold War was and why they were launching a nuclear missile. You could actually say it was a somewhat educational experience! ;-)

Lastly, I just want to say "Welcome to the Blogosphere!" to our friend MN Tall Girl. I really liked the tribute she wrote to one of her high school teachers who is retiring.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, dog birthdays are an important thing! We used to celebrate for my brother's dog with an oreo and ice cream cake...for the dog. It was his favorite treat :) (and that was 20+ years ago...I guess we were cutting edge)

    And YUM on the pomegranate martinis!
